Round 2 (Fri, July 26)
The tee sheet has not yet been released to the event portal.
Confirmed Players (44)
Augustin, Jared
Bach, Tye
Barnes, Tim
Bouzis, Demetrois
Bowden, Jared
Brus, Andrew
Butcher, Jesse
Chambers, Collin
Coe, H
Cook, Kevin
Corbett, Cameron
Davidson, Dustin
DeWitt, Greg
Dorn, Brandon
Ebzery, Matt
Galloway, Matthew
Hackleman, Robby
Hancock, Daniel
Harris, Andrew
Howell, Justin
Hyder, Randy
Ingram, Austin
Jacobsen, Zack
Johnson, Derrick
Johnson, Justin
Johnson, Kyle
Johnson, Tyler
Kreutzer, Jakob
Lawson , Grant
Lee, Seth
Lehnen, Pat
Loe, Chris
Maston, Kevin
Mazurie, Justin
Nowicki, Brain
Perdue, Dave
Pharr, John
Rickabaugh, Scott
Roberts, Benny
Romo, Andre
Smoll, Thomas
Sullivan, Dan
Wyatt, Steve